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Posts Tagged ‘gear’

This is a dream of many of us photographers. To be called a master, to have other photographers yearning to create like we do, to have clients lining up outside our studio doors, to make images that stand the test of time, to be remembered. But how do we get there? What are the steps […]

How many of you have batteries that require charging? How many of you have more than one, more than two? How many of you are sick and tired of dealing with all of the tangled mess of cables that always seem to intertwine while in storage? And on shoots, how many times have you tried […]

Gear.. Its both a wonderful and a terrible thing. There is always something new to purchase. The question to ask yourself is, do I really need it or am I wanting to purchase it because its new and shiny? The bad thing is, there will always be something newer and shiner the second we take […]

If you are going to try to scam me, at least change the text in your email.. I’ve received the same email twice about shooting a last minute wedding. I’ve pasted the message below. So far I’ve received the email from hpharaon@outdoormedias.com and kellybrown1977@gmail.com and have been asked to forward my response and price list […]

Whonsetler Photography / WhonPhoto also does video! Call now to set up your new business promo!

Underwater photography has always been a phenomenal source of inspiration for me. Growing up my father got me hooked on scuba diving. We would travel to Florida frequently and dive some of the wrecks and springs. I was elated when he purchased a housing for his little point and shoot! I commandeered it straight away […]